General Info

Course: Appetizer/side

  • Dot32 369ff32f4621174332403ec21cf4183d75e18f31c92c20575cdf40df655ebedd
  • Dot32 369ff32f4621174332403ec21cf4183d75e18f31c92c20575cdf40df655ebedd
  • Dot32 369ff32f4621174332403ec21cf4183d75e18f31c92c20575cdf40df655ebedd
  • Dot unselected32 bc545d4437fa3d2a635b1f5f8b8ce82930c611e890082cd462d0e7b5c4599328
  • Dot unselected32 bc545d4437fa3d2a635b1f5f8b8ce82930c611e890082cd462d0e7b5c4599328

  • Dot unselected32 bc545d4437fa3d2a635b1f5f8b8ce82930c611e890082cd462d0e7b5c4599328
  • Dot32 369ff32f4621174332403ec21cf4183d75e18f31c92c20575cdf40df655ebedd
  • Dot32 369ff32f4621174332403ec21cf4183d75e18f31c92c20575cdf40df655ebedd
  • Dot32 369ff32f4621174332403ec21cf4183d75e18f31c92c20575cdf40df655ebedd
  • Dot unselected32 bc545d4437fa3d2a635b1f5f8b8ce82930c611e890082cd462d0e7b5c4599328

Price: $$$$$

Description: Raclette is a semi-hard cow’s milk cheese from Switzerland. It is commonly shaped into a giant wheel of cheese that is sliced and held to an open flame or other heat source.

Extra Features

Good for: Omnivore



  1. preheat oven to 450°
  2. in a large bowl, mix potatoes with olive oil, salt and pepper until evenly coated
  3. spread potatoes out evenly on a roasting pan
  4. bake for 20 minutes, then place on a serving plate
  5. just before serving, hold the sliced side of the raclette cheese up to the melter/flame until it begins to soften and melt
  6. scrape the melted cheese with a knife onto the potatoes and enjoy